Family sighting 3 giant orange orbs whilst driving the car
This is the same piece of road - it is not an actual photo of the event, the orbs were huge they did not have rays of light coming from them and were more orange than yellow, this pic does not really show how large they were and how close we were to them as I slowed the car to get a better look.
Date of sighting 25-12-2020. (It may have been 2019)
Witnesses Jonathan Davies, wife and daughter
Location Raglan, Monmouthshire South Wales UK
Time around 5 pm ish
Weather overcast, with slight gaps in the cloud
Witness Statement
Me, my wife and daughter had been out at my sister-in-law's for Christmas lunch, as we returned home and got within a few miles my daughter says: What are those, pointing to the right
3 giant hot air balloon size orange orbs straddled the road, 1 on the left and 2 on the right of the road, very low in the sky, I'd estimate only a few hundred feet above ground level and well below the cloud level, they were huge, I slowed the car down and almost came to a stop to get a better look, I opened the car window no noise, they did not seem to be doing anything but were completely stationary hanging in the sky.
I really wish I had stopped the car and taken a pic but we were all full and very tired from eating too much and my wife is very anti this topic so I carried on driving for an easy life, I had seen the 3 orbs many times before and expected to see them again.
I told the guys at SUFON about this experience a few years ago but did not file an official report at the time, then about another year later we were interviewing another Welsh experiencer online and he mentioned an orb sighting he had on Christmas Day the same day as my family, although his orb was smaller and singular, it was at ground level and floating just above a beach near Port Talbot South Wales
Location of my family sighting
Were you a witness, either contact me or